jeffy_spaghetti's review

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dark informative sad fast-paced


librarygirl55's review

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Just. Not. Good. Very flat. It started out like a lot of True Crime stories the point of capture. I was waiting for the author to go back and develop the character of the murderer, what was his childhood like, where did he come from, who was he, but there was only about a paragraph about that:
"He had a happy childhood". No conjecture as to why he did it. No psychological theories of how someone with his background could become the monster he did. Then I was expecting some development of the victims but only got very little information (again a couple paragraphs) about just one of the victims, the final one. From there it quickly went right into the trial and the aftermath and never really discussed the other victims other than their names and how they were murdered. A lot of it was just reprinted transcripts from the trial and news paper reports, so the writer didn't really do much of the work. Pretty much a disappointment and honestly a disservice to the families of the victims. This author had the opportunity to tell their stories and didn't. This might have just been a long news paper story for what it contained. Just the facts ma'am, just the facts.

heatherbennett's review

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This book should have been longer. It was a factual retelling of the Legebokoff case and I liked seeing the whole case laid out succinctly. But I felt like more time could have been spent on the women, each one only got a few paragraphs and they deserved to have their stories told. I also would have liked more fleshing out of Legebokoff's background and and more insight into what caused this seemingly normal teenager to commit these horrible crimes. Some maps and photographs would help too. I'm from Prince George and fairly familiar with all the places mentioned but for anyone not as familiar I think maps and visuals would help paint a bigger picture.

nesmith001's review

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A quick read

The story is not very in depth, just a cursory look into these crimes. Doesn’t read as a investigation, straight through he did this and this happened, no discussion. Straight forward, readable, but not the best I have read.