
W sercu światła by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner

emilygibson729's review against another edition

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I loved these books! For me the only thing that could have been a little better, was that I feel like I didn't get to know Sofia and Gideon as well as I got to know Tarver, Lilac, Jubilee, and Flynn. But regardless, this series was a perfect mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and romance!

mirroredpages's review against another edition

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First thought: Wow. This is how authors should finish all of their series, the standard has been set. The new characters are beautifully flawed and the connection that they share is visceral; it is especially pleasing to see the other couples as well and the amazing chemistry that they all share. There was a slower portion towards the middle of the book but the beautiful story arc and the twists and turns of the plot definitely made up for it. A fabulous conclusion to a wonderful series, my only qualm being that I now have to let these characters go.

ancareads's review against another edition

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What a nice conclusion to this trilogy!
It's been marketed as a companion series, but I think it's not the best idea to read them out of order, as you do get to see the characters and the continuation of their story in echt following book.

This last part follows the story of Gideon and Sofia, trying to bring down LaRoux Industries.
They meet up with the other main characters from the previous books, Lilac, Tarver, Flynn and Lee, and they join forces in their battle to protect humanity and the world they live in from FDI.

I really enjoyed this last part.
It was fast paced, action packed and with just the right amount of romance thrown in to make me enjoy it, without taking away from the sci-fi element of the story.

nzhouey's review against another edition

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This isn’t my favorite series even though the covers are amazing. That being said, I probably did like this one the most because I think the story was planned out well. I also like how everything came together with the characters and the stories. I just didn’t like the characters enough to care about their well being and I didn’t like the villain.

tiefseezeilen's review against another edition

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Die ersten zwei Bände der Trilogie waren spannend gewesen und packend und der Abschluss ist dem nicht ganz unähnlich, nur dass es sich hierbei um einen Strudel voll Action handelt. Neben den geballten Handlungen und überraschenden Wendungen wird es auch sehr emotional und zu meiner Freude treffen wir viele bekannte Gesichter wieder. Besonders aufregend ist es zu lesen, wie alle Charaktere aus den früheren Teilen miteinander verwoben wurden, wie es mit ihnen weitergeht und wie sie alle miteinander agieren. Ein freudiges Wiedersehen für den Leser und eine actionreiche und aufreibende Story für die Protagonisten!

Wie in jedem Teil ist ein neues Paar im Vordergrund, Sofia und Gideon. Beide sind eher der verschlossene Typ und ihre Annäherung ist daher nicht einfach, mehr werde ich da nicht verraten, da das viel für mich ausgemacht hat. So viel ist gesagt: ich habe ihre Geschichte sehr genossen.

Von Beginn an war ich wieder in der Geschichte drin gewesen, obwohl der zweite Band bereits etwas her war und es packte mich von der ersten Seite an. Die Reihe hat wirklich einen Sogeffekt und wenn man sich entscheidet sie zu lesen sollte man gleich viele aufregende Stunden einplanen!
Nicht nur die abwechslungsreiche Handlung selbst, sondern auch der flüssige Schreibstil, der jetzt nicht zu leicht ist und die guten bildlichen Darstellungen bringen ihren Beitrag zum Sogeffekt der Reihe.

Außerdem handelt es sich hierbei um einen Jugendroman der die Genres Science Fiction und Lovestory verbindet. Es ist nicht überaus komplex und beschäftigt sich ebenfalls mit ernsteren Dingen wie Menschsein, wodurch das Buch einen poetischen und nachdenklichen Touch an manchen Stellen bekommt.

Der Abschlussband ist durch und durch abgerundet und gelungen. Ein wirklich grandioses Ende für eine unheimlich packende Reihe, die bei mir gepunktet hat durch Action, zahlreichen Überraschungen und der richtigen Portion Liebe.

elie's review against another edition

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In the final book of this series, all three couples come together to defeat LaRoux. And like the previous two books, this one introduces a new couple who begin as enemies but turn into lovers...just in case we hadn't had enough of that trope yet.

I adored the first half of this book. I loved both Sofia and Gideon. Sofia lost her father in the previous book as a rogue whisper took over his mind and caused him to become a suicide bomber. Sofia eventually makes her way to Corinth, where Gideon lives. But Sofia doesn't need a man. She doesn't need help at all. She can get whatever she needs by her skill in manipulating people and her sheer intelligence. I liked her from the first page.

Gideon is also great. He's a hacker - a great one, perhaps the best. He also operates solo, after the death of his brother, cased by LaRoux. The brother is Simon, Lilac's first love who her father sent off to be killed. Gideon has his own mission to stop LaRoux, just as Sofia does, although Sofia is more short-sighted. She just wants to kill the man as revenge, nothing more.

By chance, they meet. They don't trust each other, since one is a hacker and one is a talented con artist and liar. Gideon caves first, falling for the pretty, badass girl while Sofia herself stays distant, focused on her goal. They meet and separate, meet again, and are eventually bound together until Sofia realizes Gideon has betrayed her (on accident, in his defense), and she flees after they've already fallen in love.

I enjoyed these two being a team and getting to know each other. I enjoyed how they liked each other a little more as time passed although they knew they couldn't trust each other. When they finally boarded the Daedalus and met up with the other two couples, I was pretty sick of them. I was so sick of Sofia repeating how much she wanted to focus on herself and her goal and not care about Gideon although she wanted him...but couldn't trust him...but still had some feelings...but just couldn't forgive him...

The first half passed over a span of many days, or at least it felt like it, and the pace was swift. The last half was just a day or two but it took FOREVER. Lilac gets taken over by that jerk whisper and everybody's like, "What do we do? We have to destroy her. But we can't because it's Lilac. But we have to because she is the evil whisper." I got bored of the stagnating plot and the frustratingly repetitive lead characters. Sofia got whiny and desperate while Gideon saw the light for the first time: he realized Sofia was mad with revenge and couldn't see reason. She's a liar through and through.

But they wind up together in the end, as we knew they would. Overall, I liked Sofia and Gideon together more than Jubilee and Flynn, who still annoy me. And is it just me, or do we not find out about what happens to LaRoux? Maybe I stopped paying attention.

katikay's review against another edition

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I felt this book dragged and little and I was having a hard time with the 'whispers' not being explained all that well and some issues with the romance. It was a good ending to the series but definitely not my favorite of the three.

hexed's review against another edition

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Was good. Didn't really care for this new couple as much as I cared about the previous two, but satisfying conclusion.

sincerelychia's review against another edition

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This is my favorite book out of all three of them. My favorite thing about this is having all three of the pairs together in this book and how they are all connected together. I also really enjoyed Gideon and Sofia's character. A lot of questions were finally answered in this book and it was a perfect ending to this trilogy.

ashleeford's review against another edition

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Fun series. Reminds me of a cross between The Lunar Chronicles (which I loved) and Orson Scott Card's Children of the Mind (which is the last book of his I'll ever read). The philosophy about humanity and sentience is more interesting here than in Card's book. The stories/characters in the trilogy are the same yet unique, interwoven in a beautiful spiderweb just like real people and their connections and experiences.