
Manwhore, Volume 1 by Katy Evans

andreafairwood's review against another edition

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jonetta's review against another edition

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Joint review with Jennifer

The Characters
Jennifer: Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint - (really 4 names?!) is a rich, playboy, businessman. Uber sexy of course, stand-offish and a manwhore. There's nothing special about Saint that makes him stand out from other guys in this romance troupe. Rachel Livingston - magazine reporter assigned to get to know Saint for an exposé article. But there's not much article writing or time at Rachel's job. I thought if Rachel is a virgin I'm going to stop listening. She's not but she's very close. Why can't we get a girl that's just as experienced as the guy? Double standard?

Jonetta: Malcolm - I agree, Jennifer. Without his POV, he comes across (through Rachel's eyes) as pretty ordinary but with a lot of money and vapid fans. Rachel - I wondered for a time, too, whether she was a virgin or not. We get mixed experience with men but she's obviously had some with somebody because she wasn't inexperienced when it came to sex. And, the fate of an entire magazine resting on her inexperienced shoulders? Lost me from the start.<

The Romance
Jennifer: I don't really feel like there was much of a romance between Rachel and Saint. More of a lust. That may change in the next novel. But at least Malcolm didn't come off at a big stalker like most the guys in these kinds of novels.

Jonetta: What romance? Saint only notices her because she doesn't fawn over him like his other girl fans do but she still hero worships him. I couldn't figure out what kept him attracted to her other than physical and she didn't want anything from him. Maybe that was enough for him but not for me to buy in.

The Plot
Jennifer: A Rise and Repeat plot... rich, sexy and whorish guy. Inexperienced, naïve chick. But something that was different (for me) was the angle at why they met. Manwhore reminded me of a dirty and not as fun version of the 2003 movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I would have enjoyed more if see saw Rachel with her friends and work more or at all really. I'm a little bored with romances where the woman is swallowed up by the guy's life. I want a balance.

Jonetta: I thought it had an excellent premise, just not executed well because of the weak romance. There weren't enough compromising situations to create tension (work interfering with the relationship). And, I began to lose respect for Rachel when it became clear her ethics were compromised. Too little too late and I had no one else to like. His friends came across like sleazy frat boys and her friend, Gina, came across like a seriously scorned young woman. I did kind of like her friend Wynn but she wasn't given much page time.

The Cliffhanger
Jennifer: You've got to be fucking kidding me! The last 40 minutes of the audio was the best part. FINALLY getting interesting and then that... that... that... cliffhanger.

Jonetta: Grrrr....I had no idea this would be a serial when I grabbed the book, let alone have a cliffhanger. So, I'm annoyed. There wasn't a need for one, especially since there wasn't this great romance. Neither acknowledged their relationship was anything more than "casual" so why put the readers through this kind of ending?

Will you continue?
Jennifer: Yes but only because of that cliffhanger. I really hope the sequel is more interesting and we get some of Saint's POV. If not, I may not finish it.

Jonetta: Yes *she says grudgingly*. I've come this far but I may only read until the cliffhanger is resolved.

Grace Grant's narration
Jennifer: I love Grace's work on the Beautiful Bastard series and she's the reason I requested Manwhore on audio. I wasn't even going to read it but when I saw Grace was the narrator I knew I had to give it a try. Grace Grant is quickly becoming one of my favorite narrators. But there were parts that even Grace couldn't keep my attention. I think what would have made it better if we got some scenes from Saints' POV.

Jonetta: I had a different experience but it might be because I didn't think Rachel was well developed and it was reinforced by the narration. I also didn't like her version of Saint...he sounded...well, dull minded.

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)

kcsunshine25's review against another edition

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Is he a Saint or is he a sinner?

Is he an angel or the devil himself?

This I do know. He has patience. He has loyalty. He has sex appeal in spades. Malcolm Saint aka Manwhore an enigma. Everything I learn about him makes me fall all the more.

Debonair business man

Lover of elephants

Giver of shirts

Kisser of corners

"In that black suit and without a tie, the top button of his shirt open and his hair a bit rumpled, Saint is the embodiment of luxurious decadence and sin. He is sin Itself, and I feel like an...absolute Virgin."

And then there is Rachel. Ray-chel. A goddess in a silver dress with platinum blonde hair. Never received a gift from a man. Always missing her daddy. A hole in her heart to be filled. A poisonous friend who plants anti-men thoughts in her head.

"The material is sleek, shiny, and cool. Fit for a mermaid, and the fabric clings to my every curve like a man's lips would, and his hands could."

Ok, so she is supposed to find his inner secrets, and expose them to the world, but...she doesn't want to do that. Does she? But then if your job and your career are on the line, what would you do?

"My flesh goes warm and things happen to me that could only be explained by collisions and particles and energy and chemistry."

Yep I'm hopping on the Malcolm Saint road to wherever. He has me hook line and sinker. I call dibs.

"There are smiles that just make you want to smile back, but this smile makes you want to kiss it so hard."

"A challenge is something you stop wanting once you acquire it. I can't know if you're a challenge yet until I make you mine."

"Sometimes love just creeps in even when all your doors and windows are shut to it." ......"There's no point to love. Truth, loyalty-there's something that lasts."

"People look at me like I can get them the moon, but you look at me like I already did. Like all I need to do is exist, and you would be happy."

"In the zip code of the lost, you breathe in regret with every breath, sadness permeating every space in which your body stands."

I loved, loved, loved it. 5 star read and big smoochy kisses to Bookish Temptations - I think the first bloggers I followed - ever, for filling my days with books, images of books and for Gel, who inspires me with her art and makes me jealous of her handbags. And to Katy - now I need a silver dress!

gen_theromancenerd's review against another edition

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I quite enjoyed this one, though I knew the ending would be something like that (damn, the cliff hanger!)

casey09's review against another edition

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4.5 sin stars!! I love how it ended .....

belladonna_loves_to_read's review against another edition

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Holy cliffhanger...

ammee411's review against another edition

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meh, hate her friends and the ending was annoying

amandakoz's review against another edition

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thereadingbreak's review against another edition

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What. The. Fudge

nadisdinosaur's review against another edition

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