mayame's review against another edition

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I read far enough to get the general gist of things and then decided to take it back to the library and maybe watch the DVD another time. I kind of hate reading books like this, which spend excessive amounts of ink and paper trying to sell the reader on why the method they are about to explain (oh, they will get there... eventually) is so magical. This salesy approach, instead of convincing me, makes me really suspicious and guarded. But, from the bit I read, I got the basic idea and I can see where the proposed techniques for discipline and keeping your cool may be useful in certain circumstances. I just can't see it being a live-and-die by it kind of thing for me.

boboswell's review against another edition

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A very easy read that gives practical and helpful advice for dealing with your children. I've implemented many of the tactics with great success. Highly recommended for parents of kids aged 2 and up.

jenla's review against another edition

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I've recommend this book to many parents!! It works great with my oldest.

sjhoot17's review against another edition

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I would probably rate this higher if I wasn't already discipling like it says. We have friends who have been using the techniques for years, so it was already instilled in my brain when we had our daughter. It is second nature to my husband and I, so the book wasn't as necessary for us. Maybe we will loan it to the grandparents to read.

rhrousu's review against another edition

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Simple, straightforward, no nonsense. My new go-to recommendation for parents about to lose their marbles. Highly recommended for caregivers of high-octane kids.

kat_dunk's review against another edition

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We are having quite a time with our toddler right now and it made me remember that I bought this book awhile ago. I think it was listed in the back of one of Emily Oster’s books and since I trust her advice on parenting, I figured this might be helpful.

And it was! The technique is very simple and we are going to start using it today. Hopefully it will help. As parents of a stubborn toddler and a newborn, we need all the help we can get

enjibooks's review against another edition

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I skimmed through this, curious after a mom recommended it to other moms on an email list I frequent. It looks like a good parenting method, a way to give consistent consequences without emotional baggage. To stop bad behaviors, you count each one, to three. No talking, no escalating.

kaceyp73's review against another edition

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This is the #1 discipline book at my house. It teaches to discipline without emotion and uses a simple counting method. Alyse does fabulously with it, and Jackson is starting to learn the system. I couldn't live w/out this method!

ceadda's review against another edition

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Not sure how to rate this type of book. I really didn't like the author's "voice". It seemed like I was being talked down to the entire time. Also, I had the feeling he was trying to be humorous at times, but wasn't sure. Annoying, really.

On the other hand, there were some useful ideas. For instance, letting a kid goad you into a big emotional outburst or argument is a payoff that only encourages more bad behavior. You may as well give them icecream when they are misbehaving.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to change a childs behavior without a lot of theory behind the method, this is probably worth reading.

jujubee6791's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced
