
Cross Roads by Tracey Devlyn

beckymmoe's review

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Cross Roads takes readers back to Steel Ridge with the third book in [a:Tracey Devlyn|4099565|Tracey Devlyn|] and [a:Adrienne Giordano|4863389|Adrienne Giordano|]'s Steele Ridge: The Blackwells series! This time it's cybersecurity expert Rohan Blackwell and artist Lena Kamber's turn in the hot seat ;)

Rohan and Lena start out fairly antagonistic--not a true enemies-to-lovers, but these two definitely give each other a whole lot of suspicious side-eye for a lot of the beginning. Rohan has a deep distrust of...well, everyone who he's not related to...and the fact that he starts the book off battling against a cyber attack on his family's business doesn't put him in a let's-meet-and-trust-a-brand-new-contractor-today! frame of mind. Lena's spent a lifetime not being able to be totally honest with anyone, so it's obvious from the beginning that these two are going to be butting heads.

And the fact that they're also fighting an attraction to each other the whole time? You know it's going to make for a delicious read!

Cross Roads keeps you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out:
- who's threatening the Blackwells and why--is it because of Rohan's past choices?
- who hired someone to steal million+ dollar art from Lena, and can they recover it before she's supposed to return it?
- what secrets is Lena hiding, and how is her past threatening her now?
and of course
- how will Lena and Rohan get to the HEA we know they richly deserve???

It absolutely did NOT disappoint on any of those points!

I am woefully behind in all of the Steele Ridge series--for some reason I've read a smattering of books from each, but not all of any of them? It's definitely nothing against the books--I have really enjoyed all that I have read, I've just been bad at keeping up. So...some of the interpersonal dynamics and inside info here were over my head, but it definitely didn't keep me from enjoying and understanding the story in the end.

Though now I have all the unreads in all 3 series in my TBR, so hopefully I can get caught up...

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.