
Hiob by Joseph Roth

eileenreads27's review against another edition

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Great read, probably one of the best in a while....

cflinterman's review against another edition

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Dieser Roman von Joseph Roth ist keine Nacherzählung der Bibelgeschichte. Es ist die Geschichte Mendel Singers, ein gläubiger Jude in Ostgalizien in der Zeit um den Ersten Weltkrieg. Wer schon etwas von Joseph Roth gelesen hat, weiß, dass er mit seinen Geschichten die Schicksale von Menschen einfühlsam erzählt, und so macht er es auch hier. Mendel Singer dürfte, wie der Untertitel des Buches besagt, ein einfältiger Mann sein, doch was ihm widerfährt ist es nicht.
Roth ruft mit seinem Roman eine verlorengegangene Welt auf und erzählt eine Geschichte, die für viele Geschichten von Juden in dieser Zeit stehen kann.

piotrjawor's review

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Niezwykła książka na sam koniec roku.
Roku - niemal - Josepha Rotha.
W pas się ponownie kłaniają klasycy literatury pisanej w jidisz. Znowu w głowie wątki i obrazy z Singera, po którego nieprzeczytane książki w końcu muszę sięgnąć. (I koniecznie doczytać w 2019 Bibliotekę Michała Friedmana!)
Nie chcę zbyt wiele pisać, bo trzeba dać się tej opowieści wchłonąć i zaskoczyć. Nie pamiętam, dawno to było, kiedy czytana książka wręcz mnie chwyciła za gardło. U Rotha wszystko dzieje się niemal na jednej stronie, może dwóch...
I konieczna lektura dla każdego ojca, w każdym wieku. Czym wcześniej tym lepiej.

burakkobas's review against another edition

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Hz. Eyüp hikayesine paralel yapıda fakat aynı problemleri daha sığ şekilde ele alıyor gibi. Özellikle Eyüp'ün ismiyle bahsedildiği kısımlarda beklentiye girdim ama sanırım yazarın amacı ile benim beklentim baştan beri farklıymış. Yine de Eyüp'ün perspektifinin modern roman teknikleriyle anlatımını görmek güzel. Ek olarak eski ahit'te Eyüp'ün karısı tam bir dallama iken burada kompleks bir karakter.

edit: POV sanki karakterler bayrak koşusundaymış elden ele dolaşıyor bazen. Geçişler o kadar yumuşak ki boşluğuma gelince fark etmediğim bile oldu. Çok hoş bir teknikmiş. Başka kitaplarında da var mı diye bakacağım.

notvibing's review against another edition

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Die Metaebene von wie die Hiobgeschichte eingebunden wird und die Figuren im Buch, die diese Geschichte verkörpern, darüber reden ist so wild und faszinierend. Generell creepily prophetic dieses Buch. Nicht so wirklich mein Genre aber was soll man sagen.

tindows's review against another edition

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dark medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


raisags's review against another edition

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inspiring tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


einsteja's review against another edition

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dark emotional hopeful reflective sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


chris_homet's review against another edition

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Sublim. Com està traçada la narrativa, l’estil, els motius temàtics… L’autor ens entrega la història de Mendel Singer, un jueu ortodox rus, i, a través d’aquesta, la història de la fe (cega), de la pietat, de la crueltat, del Bé i el Mal, que ningú sap d’on venen.
Cal dir que, si algú s’anima a llegir-la, recomano llegir-se abans el llibre de Job original (és a dir, el de l’Antic Testament/Tanakh), perquè hi ha molts motius que s’emmirallen (al final l’autor juga amb això, òbviament).

Lectura molt recomanable per aquells interessats en la sociologia i antropologia de les religions i de la vida a l’Europa de principis de segle XX.

neurotypically's review against another edition

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I was a bit disappointed by the book. I mean, since I read it for school, my expectations weren't that high, tbh, but the first part started off pretty good.
I get that the book is a retelling of the book Hiob of the bible and it's actually pretty accurate, but it's set over 30 years and I just can't imagine someone having such little personal development as Mendel Singer.
And, what was really bothering me, time is apparently just a construct opressing us? The fist part of the book plays after 1905, the second part 28 years later. But during WW1. You see my problem?

But, I have to say that I liked the writing style in the second part of the novel very much. The repititions were used on point and all in all it was well-written.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend this book, but since it's not very long and easy to read I think you can read it fast when you don't know what to read else and want to know what German students have to write about in their final exams.