
Cuckoldry Negotiated: The Full Trilogy by Jon Zelig

mxsallybend's review

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Cuckoldry Negotiated: The Full Trilogy opens with a narrative technique that usually does not work for me, and which initially caused me to pull away from the story, but ultimately I do like the way Jon Zelig pulled it off. The first book of the trilogy is really a one-sided negotiation, with the wife-to-be speaking to the reader, anticipating our doubts, fears, questions, and requests. It is structured in such a way that it really pulls you into the story, placing us wholly within this contract of female domination and cuckoldry.

In the second book the story switches to a more traditional narrative, with the submissive hubby relating to us the story of his dungeon wedding. Officiated by a lesbian dominatrix and assisted by a sexy trio of bridesmaids, it sees hubby shaved and placed into chastity. There is a line he relates about his wife that I think drives home the sort of feeling that Zelig's brand of female domination provokes - "She smelled like home: like love and terror; safety and danger; conquest and surrender."

Having gone from negotiation to marriage, the third book takes us (quite naturally) to the honeymoon. This is a strange and erotic affair, involving video cameras and glass walls that put the cuckolded hubby's role on exhibitionist display. This is a story of teasing, testing, and trusting one another, with the kind of happily-ever-after only a true submissive can appreciate. Personally, I would have loved for Cuckoldry Negotiated: The Full Trilogy to have a fourth chapter, taking us home after the honeymoon, but it is never a bad thing to be left wanting more.

As reviewed by Sally at Bending the Bookshelf