
The Drifter by Christine Lennon

laurarash's review

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I'm going to be in the minority in disliking this book. It was too full of minuscule details.

suzks26's review

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This book really drew me in but I'm not sure how to classify it. While the subject matter is dark, it is not really a thriller or mystery. It's how Betsy Young deals with the aftermath of her college friend's murder and her own feelings of responsibility and grief. It follows Betsy from the days before the murder in 1990 to her life 20 years later. It's a great debut novel - well written with good character development and a story that really grabs your attention.

caraddishreads's review

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2.5 stars

8little_paws's review

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Don't let the cover or description deceive, this is not a thriller, horror, or mystery. This is about three young women in 1990 Gainesville, and one is killed by a serial killer (based on actual events). Part one sets the tone of alcohol fueled youth shaken by the murderer arriving. The rest is about the next 20 years-- living with regrets, losing friends, climbing into middle age without a clear direction in life. I really liked this.

conchfritters's review

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A woman's fictionalized account of living in Gainesville during the 1990 murders of 5 students. She wins points with me by namechecking a slew of "Left of the Dial" late '80s bands and shitting on Jimmy Buffet. I well-remember that time and place and she captures the moment.

edq16's review

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If you went to Florida when this tragedy happened this book is a great read. Even if you didn't it's a good one.

renee820's review

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I feel like this book is bound to get a lot of mediocre reviews due to the fact that it's been pushed as a thriller when it's really not. There's virtually no suspense at all, and for people who primarily seek to read page-turners, it's going to fall flat. I'd call it more literary fiction about survivor's guilt and the aftermath of a tragic crime.

Once I had adjusted my expectations for what it was, I enjoyed it. The writing was very good, the characters were well-drawn (although I did think they hewed a little archetypal: the mean girl, the misunderstood rebel, the [drunk] Pollyanna), and I liked the way that music was used as a throughline. I do agree with others who'd pointed out that there was just too much detail at time - I think that at least 10% of the text could have been trimmed with no negative effect to the plot whatsoever.

beastreader's review

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First off, I have to comment by saying that this book did not do it for me. The only appealing aspect of this book was the time period and location. I did feel like I was back in the 90's but that was the only thing that I liked about this book. Not to say that I did not give it the college try. I read about half way. Yet, reading and actually immersing myself into this book are two different outcomes.

To be begin with, Elizabeth was not that interesting. Well not the present Elizabeth anyways. I honestly don't know why Elizabeth, Caroline and Ginny were friends as they did not really act like best friends. Maybe casual friends. My issue with this book was that it dragged on and on without really going anywhere. I kept trying to guess what the big, dark secret was but it seemed to take forever to get to the point. I finally jumped ahead to see what the event was that changed every ones lives. At this point I had no reaction. Sadly, this book was not my cup of tea.

judithdcollins's review

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A special thank you to Edelweiss and William Morrow for a complimentary reading copy in exchange for an honest review. Review to follow.

jbarr5's review

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The Drifter by Christine Lennon
Book starts out in 1980's where the girls are attending college in FL.
Much detailed encounters as they go through the years, the parties they attend and where they work and how to come to meet one another at the sorority.
Time the three lived together and melded and then at times grew apart but still friends. Story follows them further as they age... quite tragic.
Many secrets and mysteries from their college years that come to light near the end. Also includes discussion questions, author's reason for writing this book, playlist and her favorite books to read.
I received this book via LibraryThing: Early Reviewers from the February 2017 batch.