
Learning to Breathe by Diana DeRicci

hippiedaizy's review

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Ben and Remy. What a weird combo. Yet, they worked. However, I didn't like how they really didn't talk much. It was frustrating that they could solve their problems by simply opening their mouths.

bookworm_panda's review

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I really enjoyed this…liked it better than the first book in the series. I did like that Avery and AJ were in the second book and were solid with their relationship. I really enjoyed Remy, I thought he was a great character and perfect for Ben.

leelee68's review

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I loved Remy and Ben's story. I wasn't sure how I would feel about Ben since he wasn't the nicest in the first book at least for the little bit he was in the book. They fit perfectly and Remy did not let his size define him. I hope there's going to be more in the series.