
How to Catch a Mermaid by Adam Wallace

zissel's review against another edition

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I loved this book.
The idea is quite interesting, who doesn't want to try catch a mermaid, right?
The illustration is great, and the story also interesting.
Cannot wait to read another story by the author.

emlickliter's review against another edition

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adventurous fast-paced


How to Catch a Mermaid (How to Catch) by Adam Wallace – A cute adventure with bright illustrations! Perfect for the little cutie I bought it for! Happy Reading!

jesab's review against another edition

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May's Wheel of TBR 2022
Prompt: Read a short book

tyler_j's review against another edition

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Well that was a cute short children's picture book about 2 kids trying to catch a mermaid. Sweet. Fun. Nice pictures. 

libraryrobin's review against another edition

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Nicely illustrated but I didn't care for the premise-- catching a mermaid. Seems selfish and cruel.

fernandie's review against another edition

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Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.

ashlikesbooks's review against another edition

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All questions answered by my 4 year old

Do you like this book?
Yeah! It has mermaids!

What's your favorite part of the book?
When they tried to catch the mermaid with sparkly stuff but she swam so FAST!

What do you think of the cover?
It's so pretty! It has a mermaid and it's underwater!

Do you want me to read it again?

Momma thinks...
This was a super cute book about a couple little kids who decide they want to try to catch a mermaid. They do everything they can, using shiny and sparkly objects, but the mermaid is just too fast for them!

The format of this book was super weird on my kindle, so it was kind of hard to read. But the artwork is beautiful and colorful and the words rhyme, which is always fun.

I wish it was just a bit longer too, but I almost feel like some of the pages are missing from this version, because it kind of just jumps into the book.

We received an ARC version of this book in exchange for an honest review.

divergente's review against another edition

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Adam Wallace es un autor a quien le encanta escribir historias que hacen reír a los niños y se emocionan con la lectura, el dibujo, la escritura, las siestas y la música. Tiene más de 80 libros publicados en el mundo.

Por otro lado, Andy Elkerton, es un ilustrador infantil. Comenzó su carrera como diseñador gráfico de videojuegos y después de catorce años decidió probar suerte como ilustrador de libros para niños. Desde 2002 ha realizado trabajos para libros ilustrados, publicidad y diseño de juguetes.

Ambos autores se unen en esta mágica y divertida historia sobre una pequeña que un día decide atrapar a una sirena con la intención de hacerse su amiga. Sin embargo lo que la pequeña ignora es que atrapar sirenas no es una tarea fácil y requerirá de mucha inteligencia y astucia para lograr su cometido.

Con diversas trampas la pequeña intentará atrapar al misterioso ser marino, pero siempre algo parece salir mal en sus planes. Y es que tal vez, lo que ella aún no nota es que, tal vez capturar a una sirena no sea la mejor forma de entablar una amistad.

Cuando un repentino suceso pone en peligro la vida de la pequeña tras sus constantes intentos de ser amiga de la criatura marina, será el momento decisivo para ambas. ¿Lograrán salvarse la una a la otra y ser amigas?


cexleybooks's review against another edition

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I read this with my five year old son and two year old daughter this morning before taking my son to school.

The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous. This is a tale of two clever kids and a dog trying their best to catch an equally clever mermaid. The elusive mermaid keeps escaping the traps set to lure her in but when the friends find themselves in danger, the mermaid shows up to save the day!

brookworm's review against another edition

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How to Catch a Mermaid is a fun rhyming story about some young children who want to trap a mermaid to become friends with her. The mermaid escapes them each time and eventually twists the plot by saving the children from sharks with a trap of her own. The illustrations are brightly coloured and campy, and the rhymes are sure to entice young readers. However, I personally didn't find a connection to the story and felt a bit uneasy about the idea of trying to trap someone as a means to become friends.