ashsca's review against another edition

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This book is ok, but it has a happy ending. It feels too much like The Lorax… except Greta speaks for the forest.

yangmuliadiva's review against another edition

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This book raises the increasingly worrying issue of climate change. The content educates and persuades people to care about the environment. The picture is also very beautiful. I love it ❣️

boooksforbreakfast's review against another edition

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This book is amazing! The important story of climate change and Greta’s protesting is told like a fairy tale where the giants cut down the woods where Greta and her animal friends live. Fun and educational storytelling with beautiful art that is fun to read for children and adults.

yopoydan_kirjat's review

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Ihanan toiveikas satu luonnon puolesta, päähenkilönään Greta Thunberg.

birdwatching's review against another edition

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I don't often bother to rate the picture books that I read my kids, but I have read some really great ones recently and wanted to add them so I can recall and recommend them to other parents.

This one is absolutely fantastic. A really wonderful, imaginative retelling of Greta Thunberg's school strike for climate change movement in a way that preschoolers and up can understand (my son is 3.5yo).

My son is obsessed with building vehicles, and recently had been very occupied with talking about a tree chopping machine we saw cutting trees down near the park. Now there is nothing wrong with an interest in engineering, mechanica and human ingenuity, but I felt it needed a little balance and context. I want him to grow up loving trees as much as he loves diggers. Since we got this book from the library he has been asking for it over and over again which is the sign of a good book for little kids. He has also been pointing out trees in our neighbourhood. A great read to inspire love and caretaking of nature in kids.

elluetut's review

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Tässä Greta toimii innoittajana sadulle, jossa jättiläiset ovat rakentaneet metsän täyteen taloja. Eläimet käyvät Gretan ja muiden ihmisten kanssa taistoon jättiläisiä vastaan. Tarina on mukavan toiveikas ja tarjoaa ratkaisun. Kuvitus on miellyttävä ja kaunis. Kirjan lopussa on tietoiskuna faktat ilmastonmuutoksesta ja Gretasta eikä niitä ole turhaan tungettu satuun.

baileys_bookstagram's review against another edition

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Just finished reading this to my 3 year old and I wasn’t sure how he would react. I’m proud to say he felt very passionate about the poor animals and that the giants were bad.
I enjoyed this book for many reasons, I liked how it took the seriousness of the climate change issue and presented it in a way that even my 3 year old can receive the message. The illustrations were beautiful and we enjoyed looking at all the details. I also appreciated that there was no hate or anger in the book but utilized words such as sadness. This way my child and others won’t feel the powerful negativity of the situation at first but can slowly be introduced to the issues and not overwhelmed. Greta and all of the worlds climate activists are amazing and instill so much hope for my children’s futures.

Really happy with this book and looking forward to buying a hard copy.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC for an honest review.

ina_hkh's review against another edition

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Jeg kjøpte denne boka for å lese den med min 2 år gamle sønn, og den inneholder akkurat det jeg ser etter når jeg velger ut bøker som vi kan lese sammen: Store og vakre illustrasjoner som gjerne dekker hele siden; en historie som er interessant eller morsom for både voksne og barn; ikke for mye tekst per side; og gjerne en sterk, kvinnelig hovedperson (jeg har et mål om å subtilt hjernevaske ham til å like jenter i hovedrollen like mye som gutter).

Tittelen sier vel det meste om innholdet i denne boken. Eventyret er enkelt (kanskje litt for enkelt?),oppløftende, og inneholder en masse språklige bilder som til sammen utgjør en eneste stor allegori til den virkelige historien. Min sønn på to er nok ikke moden nok til å tolke innholdet i fortellingen slik den er ment for, men det er ikke så viktig, og historien passer minst like godt til målgruppen som jeg vil tro er barn i 6-7-årsalderen, som har lært å lese selv.

booknerd_life's review against another edition

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hopeful inspiring


lattelibrarian's review against another edition

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Easily identified as a parable for the current state of affairs and Greta's hard work, Greta and the Giants serves to educate children as to what's going on in the world today, the optimism they need to have to help the earth, and the ways in which they might stand up and take a change. The illustrations are beautiful, and the text is relatable and understandable--yet I can't quite shake the wonder that I have in regards to making corporations and adults giants. I mean, of course it makes for a more fantastical world, and it makes sense that corporations are indeed "giants" of a sense and adults are quite large when you yourself are quite small. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I do have faith in younger folks to understand that sometimes there are big bad regular folks out there. Then again, maybe I'm being too curmudgeony, and need to just realize that this is a great teaching tool for allegory and parables! Definitely a great introduction to climate change and making a difference, and perfect for showing that anyone--at any age--can make a difference.

Review cross-listed !