
De Profundis: (Aberdeen Classics Collection) by Oscar Wilde

marzzzina's review against another edition

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Won't be rating this considering it was never meant to be published and it feels like somewhat of a diary entry and I am very much against publishing dead people's diaries.

I don't know who or why decided to publish this but I honestly can't understand where the positive reviews are coming from because I didn't feel a single thing that all of these 5 star reviews are talking about.

green1013's review against another edition

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emotional reflective medium-paced


Love is a sacrament taken kneeling...

elif9's review against another edition

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De Profundis was life changing for someone like myself. Mr. Wilde's views about and perspective on basically everything he talked about, but specifically on subjects like hate, love, lifestyle, spirituality, humility, and etc. were just incredible, and frankly, quite relatable to myself to an extent.

almosvajda's review against another edition

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Para los que no lo saben, Wilde fue condenado a dos años de prisión y obligado a hacer trabajos forzosos una vez que lo declaran culpable de “actos inmorales” (tener relaciones homosexuales) luego de ser denunciado por el padre de Douglas.

En esta carta, escrita ya casi al final de su condena, Wilde le dice (y recrimina) a Douglas (su ex amante) todas aquellas cosas que había callado hasta el momento.
Pensamientos sobre cómo su vida se convirtió en tragedia, del estado de las cárceles, críticas a la sociedad y del amor al arte pueden encontrarse en cada página.

Me es interesante que si bien le recrimina muchas cosas a Douglas, también se lo puede ver intentar ayudarlo con sus palabras.
Puede que esta no sea toda la historia verdadera. En este momento de su vida Wilde ya se encontraba mal de salud, en quiebra y sin familia. Esto no le quita valor a sus palabras, pero es algo a tener en cuenta al momento de juzgar a las otras partes involucradas.
(Nota: no leí una biografía completa sobre Douglas, pero por lo que leí él no era un buen tipo que digamos, así que estoy más inclinada a creerle a Wilde en el asunto.)

Tengo que decir que hay un solo tema que no me interesó tanto, pero eso es más algo personal que sobre el texto en sí.
Spoilerme refiero exclusivamente a toda la parte de Cristo y la religión.

“Traté al Arte como la realidad suprema, la vida como una ficción; desperté la imaginación de mi siglo para que crease mito y leyenda alrededor de mi; resumi todos los sistemas en una fórmula, y toda existencia en una agudeza”

Wilde simplemente sabía cómo manejar sus palabras.

theaparaskeva's review against another edition

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"...For you were at that time of life when all that one does is no more than the sowing of the seed, and I was at that time of life when all that one does is no less than the reaping of the harvest".

Was this utterly beautiful? Yes. Are we surprised? No.

mooglyoogly's review against another edition

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challenging dark hopeful informative reflective sad medium-paced


“I have got to make everything that happened to me good for me”

Beautiful prose that offers an insight into the mind of Oscar Wilde whilst serving his prison sentence. It reveals the psychology of the tortured artist in a beautiful, eloquent way, that highlights the inequality faced by Wilde.

bimbobookshelf's review against another edition

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dark emotional inspiring reflective


dinamen96's review against another edition

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inspiring reflective sad slow-paced


plathcel's review against another edition

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a lot of this hit a little too close to home for my liking…oscar wilde you are soooo special to me. a few times i got a bit lost in the long confessions and lack of order but that is also exactly what i love about it - that it is so truly a personal and brutally honest letter, a pouring out of wilde’s heart, something i feel like i shouldn’t be reading but am privileged to be able to. :-]